I know that many of you have noticed a lack of posts on my (Kevin/Pops/Dad) part, as much of the posting as of late has been done by Karla. Sure these posts are packed with uber-kewt-pix and semi-witty commentary at times, but they are still missing a father's perspective; that voice of calming guidance, that shining light through the darkness, that weird smell that you're afraid to identify. Well, my peeps, I've returned. I hope (that I remember) to continue posting a "Father Knows Best" segment on this blog every week to bring some perspective to this valuable life experience of dad-ness. This is only the first installment.
What should I say to so many that have waited so long? Let me address a question that I was asked recently by a dear friend: Do you have any advice to offer a soon-to-be dad? Yes! (short answer)
...And, here is the long, drawn out answer to that question. Many people will tell you the same things (get some sleep now, $tart $aving for college, etc.), so I won't bother with that. What I can offer is some practicality to a very select group of you dads-2-be, the coffee-drinkers.
Find a way to keep your coffee hot in the morning. If you're anything like me, you drink a cup of cafe in the AM to get your day started. Maybe you go to the coffee shop, or maybe you make it in house. In any case, lukewarm to cold coffee is totally doable, but far from ideal. Get yourself a nice insulated mug, or start drinking espresso shots, maybe.
The issue is that when the little one is present, you may not have the time to savor the flavor of that morning cup at your own pace. She can keep you busy, and potentially keep your coffee from getting drank.
Here's a hypothetical. Imagine you're two sips into a fresh cup and you read signs of an imminent diaper change...#2. That's a quickie, but if its messy enough, you may be looking at an emergency booty wash with towel-down. Follow that up with a super fun tickle-time/blurp sesh, then a wardrobe change. Clock's tickin, and all of a sudden you're down ten minutes or more. Take a couple more sips...yum, still kinda warm. And then she hits you with some cryin-complaining. Maybe she's bored. Do we go for a walk, read a cuento or what??
As you can tell, there are a lot of variables involved. So, future dads, think about what I told you here. Listen to the other stuff people tell you about sleep, money, and all that, but remember your day-to-day, and help yourself along the way. Keep it caffeinated, son! Peace