"...thank Kevin for little girls"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Filipino Rules: The sniff kiss

On a recent visit to Lola's, she schooled us on the "sniff kiss." Whaaa???... you might be wondering. Well, its exactly like it sounds. Here's a quick how-to: Step 1, hold the baby up to yo face to be kissed (on the cheek or wherever); Step 2, dry-pucker the lips as you go in for the kiss; Step 3, (this is the most important step) you make contact with the kissing surface and take a short sniff or smell of the baby instead of puckering up for the traditional kess. Voila! That baby has just been sniff-kissed, sucka.

Why, you ask. Sure, its a cultural thing, but here's the wisdom. You save your baby from potentially gettin germed on by the saliva on our lips.

You've been sniffed.


  1. Aah, the sniff kiss! AKA the "Lola" kiss according to my kids!

  2. Aww, that is awesome to see other people writing about this! I never knew what they were called, but one of my friends deemed it a "kissniff" and I've stuck with that ever since! I remember the first time I kissniffed my wife (white American)... She asked, "Did you just sniff me?" Haha, I was so embarrassed! ^_^ We just had our first baby born on December 20th, 2011 and now I kissniff both of them all the time!

  3. I told my son that he needed to be "niffed" because that is what a Pinoy exorcism is and it would remove any demons that lived on top of his head! Man, he just hated them!
