Mami here—People ask me who writes the blog entries… they say they can’t tell if it’s Kevin or me…well, Kevin says that if the blog is funny or clever in any way, then he is the obvious author, I’m totally rolling my eyes right now, but its totally true so to avoid confusion I’ll just state that it’s the baby’s mami whenever I’m manning the keyboard, or should I say momming..okay sorry, I don’t want to confuse anyone by being funny ;)
Week 27 starts tomorrow, yuppee, this is the last week of the second trimester.Weeks 28 through 40 are the final stretch before the arrival of the K-B bebe.
This week I’m totally loving: plain yogurt, hotdogs (Kevin bought 100% beef, grass fed ones that are amazing) and white corn (Mexican street vendor style w/ limon, salt, mayo, tapatio, YUM!) Oh and my new roomie, he’s cool…my apologies for the freaky pic on my belly btw, we have no cable or internet at the apartment so we keep entertained any way we can.
i think the baby should be Kauliflower Killacky!